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Jokes, Funny Jokes, Best Jokes, Large Collection of Jokes

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Monday, May 28, 2018 By Chauhan All Tech


Not Easy to be a Teacher - Funny Jokes

TEACHER : John is climbing a tree to pick some
mangoes. ( Begin the sentence with Mangoes)
Student : Mangoes, John is coming to pick you


TEACHER : What do you call mosquitoes in your language?
Student: We don't call them, they come on their own.


TEACHER : One day our country will be corruption free. What tense is that??
Student: Future impossible tense.



TEACHER : How can we keep our school clean?
Student: By staying at home.


English Grammar class.

Teacher: What's the difference between "He cleans the plate" and "the plate is cleaned by him."

Student: In first sentence 'he' is not married, but in second sentence 'he' is married....


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